Each of these patches represents a tone from a famous song. As some songs have multiple tracks with different tones, we chose the tone felt to be most identifiable with the song.

Rock Legend Vol.2
Live Set
1Sweet HomeIn the style of "Sweet Home Alabama"
2Back To BlackIn the style of "Back In Black"
3Californ PeppersIn the style of "Californication"
4Go Go JohnnyIn the style of "Johnny B. Goode"
5Walk Like ThisIn the style of "Walk This Way"
6Fire or FlamesIn the style of "Through The Fire And Flames"
7Coming In WavesIn the style of "Comfortably Numb"
8Crazy, It GoesIn the style of "Crazy Train"
*These patches reproduce each sound as described above, but not perfectly reproduce the originals.
To use this liveset, please install the BOSS TONE STUDIO application dedicated to your product. Please check the supported product list and download the matching BOSS TONE STUDIO for your product.
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