Synth sound live set for melody and lead play. You can achieve thicker sounds by combining with normal guitar.

Live Set
1MONO SYN MIXPortamento synth sound layered on distorted guitar. EXP:Normal guitar volume CTL1:1 octave up CTL2:DIST on/off
2NATURL SYNTHSynth lead layered on clean guitar with so natural play feeling that tapping is possible. EXP:Normal guitar volume CTL1:1 octave up (Switch to GR-300 sound) CTL2:TOUCH WAH on/off
3GR-300 DUETUnique lead sound with GR-300 duet mode. EXP:Foot volume CTL1:1 octave up CTL2:Normal guitar on/off
4SYN HARMO EmHarmony in Em with normal guitar and synth sound good for single note play. EXP:Synth volume CTL1:Add harmony CTL2:DELAY on/off
5TOUCH SYN LDControlable filter sound by picking dynamics. EXP:Foot volume CTL1:Add harmony(5th) CTL2:Normal guitar on/off
6ORGAN UNISONLayered sound of organ and distorted guitar. EXP:Normal guitar volume CTL1:1 octave up CTL2:Change the speed of the rotor.
7WHISTLE LEADWhistling synth with layered clean guitar. EXP:Normal guitar volume CTL1:1 octave up CTL2:DIST on/off
8SQUARE LEADSynth lead layered on clean guitar with so natural play feeling that tapping is possible. EXP:Foot volume CTL1:1 octave up (Switch to GR-300 sound) CTL2:Normal guitar on/off
9DIST ORGANPowerful sound which combinates organ like synth sound and normal guitar. EXP:Synth volume CTL1:1 octave up CTL2:Change the speed of the rotor.
10SYNTH PIPELayered sound of normal guitar and pipe like synth sound. EXP:Normal guitar volume CTL1:1 octave up CTL2:DIST on/off
*This live set was created with GP-10.
*These patches reproduce each sound as described above, but not perfectly reproduce the originals.
To use this liveset, please install the BOSS TONE STUDIO application dedicated to your product. Please check the supported product list and download the matching BOSS TONE STUDIO for your product.
All-in-one unit with user-customizable tunings, instrument modeling and flagship quality multi-effects.