A collection ranging from solid rock to aggressive fuzz tone.

WAZA-AIR BASS Rock Bass Tones
Live Set
1Solid RockRock bass with a touch of grit
2Pick CrunchSubtle crunch tone that works well with picking styles
3Fuzz BassAggressive Fuzz bass tone
4Flower PowerClear 60’s style bass
5Kings BassRock bass with driven high freq band
6MasterOfBassDistorted early metal bass
*This live set works for all modes (Surround, Static, Stage) of WAZA-AIR BASS.
*These patches reproduce each sound as described above, but not reproduce the specific sound.
To use this liveset, please install the BOSS TONE STUDIO application dedicated to your product. Please check the supported product list and download the matching BOSS TONE STUDIO for your product.
A unique and inspiring over-ear playing solution for electric bassists. All-wireless connectivity enables freedom of movement, remote sound editing, and the ability to jam with music from mobile devices via Bluetooth audio streaming.