Madi is session and studio guitarist, graduated at American Institute of Music in Vienna 1992, playing with major acts till this day, both studio and stages of arenas and festivals. He composed original soundtracks for film and TV. Also poduced advertising music for major companies like Telecom, Coca Cola, Olay etc. He wrote and produced songs for major artists, these songs hit number one in music chart several times. As a guitarist, he founded the rock-metal band Mex, made five records. His playing is really powerful yet melodic, consists many genres and expressiveness.

Metal/Rock Patches by Gabor Madarasz 'Madi'
This Live Set is for those who are searching for Metal and Rock sounds for GT-1000. Hungarian guitar player Madi tweeked GT-1000 to get some really fat and fast responding heavy riff sounds, ideal for flat tuned or 7-strings guitars. Furthermore you will find 2 different cleans and a solo lead sound, which also works well in Metal and Rock genres.
Live Set
1MADI METAL1Agressive metal rhythm sound by X-Modded AIRD preamp. The clean boost pushed amp to make it tight.
2MADI CLEANLittle breakup cleanish Brit Stack sound with delay and distinctive rotary assigned to CTL2.
3MADI SOLO1Nice smooth solo patch by X-Modded AIRD preamp with clean boost and pan delay. Easy to play with high quality drive tone. Pay attention to juicy palm muting sound.
4STUDIO CLEANTransparent clean Brit Stack tone with chorus and compressor. Perfectly suit for arpeggio and you can add tremolo when you stomp CTL2.
5MADI ROCKN1Round yet cutting rock sound by X-Modded AIRD preamp. You can add extra ambience when you turn on sub delay on CTL2.
6MADI RECTO1Thick metal tone by Recti Stack AIRD preamp for punchy riffs.
To use this liveset, please install the BOSS TONE STUDIO application dedicated to your product. Please check the supported product list and download the matching BOSS TONE STUDIO for your product.
BOSS flagship amp/effects processor delivering unmatched musical expression and sound quality with new AIRD technology.