1Uber Metal DlyMetal riff sound, using the new Metal amp model; with CTL pedal you activate a Lead sound with Delay (Audio Sample: UberMetal)
2T-Wah Funk ODFunk sound using Touch-Wah; the CTL pedal turns OFF T-Wah and turns on an Overdrive for pure overdrive sound (Audio Sample: T-Wah Funk)
3Ring Mod ODDelayed OD Lead sound with a Ring Modulator assigned to CTL pedal with momentary switching (Audio Sample: T-Wah Funk guitar solo)
4Modulation CleanModulation delay + Tremolo Clean sound (Audio Sample: 68 Ballad (0:55-))
5Tera CleanClean sound with Tera Echo (Audio Sample: 68Ballad)
6Fat Lead Fat lead sound for Ballads (Audio Sample: 68 Ballad guitar solo part)
7Tempo DelaySlightly overdriven sound with Tempo Delay - CTL activates a booster (Audio Sample: 4U)
8SetzerizedRockabilly kind of Tape Echo guitar sound, with compressor, Clean Booster on CTL pedal (Audio Sample: Train)
*These patches reproduce each sound as described above, but not perfectly reproduce the originals.