Blues live set for ME-25.

ME-25 Blues Collection
Live Set
1BluesCrunchStandard crunch sound with TWEED amp. (For single coil pickup)
2Ms BluesBlues solo sound with delay. (For single coil pickup)
3Texas BluesCombination of TWEED and T-SCREAM. (For single coil pickup)
4CleanBluesLeadCompressed clean sound added delay and reverb. (For single coil pickup)
5BrightBluesLeadSmooth crunch drive sound. (For single coil pickup)
6TwangyRiffMild drive sound with short delay. (For single coil pickup)
7FuzzyBluesTextured drive sound by Fuzz. (For single coil pickup)
8FatBluesCrunch sound by TWEED and T-SCREAM. (For single coil pickup)
9UniBluesUsing UNI-V for added rotary sound. (For single coil pickup)
10AcousticBluesAcoustic guitar sound via acoustic simulator effect for electric guitar. (For single coil pickup)
11CryingBluesLeadTWIN amp crunch sound with booster. (For humbucker pickup)
12TweedForSlideCrunch sound good for slide play. (For humbucker pickup)
13OldBluesWarm sound by TWEED amp. (For humbucker pickup)
14ModernBluesClear drive sound with MS VINTAGE and T-SCREAM. (For humbucker pickup)
15DeluxBluesCrunch sound with short delay. (For humbucker pickup)
16KingBluesClean setting patch with natural guitar sound. (For humbucker pickup)
17FusionBluesBluesy crunch sound with rich high tone. (For humbucker pickup)
18DryBluesDry drive tone by VO DRIVE. (For humbucker pickup)
19SlapBackBluesBlues style sound with slapback delay. (For humbucker pickup)
20HardBluesDeep, driven distortion sound. (For humbucker pickup)
*These patches reproduce each sound as described above, but not perfectly reproduce the originals.
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